Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
A woman learns she can access alternate versions of herself from across the multiverse, and she’ll have to in order to stop a great evil.
Oculus (2013)
Two siblings try to prove an antique mirror is cursed and responsible for their parents’ death.
Monsters (2010)
Two Americans work to cross a patch of Mexico that has been completely overrun by giant alien lifeforms.
Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
A young girl is cursed into an old woman after a chance encounter with a charismatic wizard.
C.H.U.D. (1984)
A photographer, a soup kitchen operator, and a cop look into a rash of disappearances around New York City.
It Follows (2014)
A teenage girl finds herself being pursued by a slow-moving but implacable being after a sexual encounter.