I’ve been accused, sometimes accurately, of giving away spoilers. It’s usually an accident. The end result of such accusations is I get a little paranoid over whether or not I am saying too much.

As such, let me say what my Official Spoiler Policy is here for this blog.

If I put a “new releases” label on the work, whatever it is, I will probably limit my reviews to whatever is in the trailers, commercials, and a basic plot set-up. If you should have known something, such as the premise, before going to see the movie or read the book or whatever, I see no harm in repeating that information the same way professional reviewers and critics generally do. I will not reveal endings or plot twists that could rob the viewer of general enjoyment.

However, anything that isn’t labeled a “new release,” well, it’s probably been out for a year or more, so all bets are off there.

So, hopefully that clarifies things a bit. I’m open for feedback from anyone who wants to toss their two cents in.


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