You know, every so often, I find some movie with a title and a couple pictures that more or less tells you everything you need to know about it. WolfCop is one of those as it is about a small town cop who becomes a werewolf, and some of the images online show the werewolf cop either drinking heavily or shooting a gun. As such, something like this is either going to be terrible or really stupid fun.
Since there’s only one way to find out, I will say up front that I was pleased it was the latter.

Leo Fafard stars as Sergeant Lou Garou (get it) of the Woodhaven PD, a small town where there really are only three cops, and it sure does look like no one in town respects them all that much. Lou himself is an alcoholic, trying to live up to the image of his late father, but really he spends a lot of time drinking, sleeping through hangovers, and being something of a mess. Woodhaven is a small town, of course, but there is a rash of pet disappearances, and every so often, a human disappears as well, and a gang of crooks keeps robbing various businesses, but there doesn’t seem to be much for a cop to do most days anyway. One night, Lou is jumped by persons unknown, and the following night during a full moon, Lou transforms into a werewolf.
To give you a better idea of what kind of movie this is, the first thing that changes on Lou is his genitals as he is taking a leak in the bathroom of his favorite bar. And yes, the movie shows you that. This is more slapstick and dark comedy than horror. Lou, as a werewolf, is still more or less himself. He still drinks a bit too much, but he’s also still a cop. If anything, as a werewolf, he’s even better at his job than he was before. Yeah, he may be shredding bad guys, but the gang tends to ask for it. Plus, his enhanced sense of smell is really good for finding things like meth labs. The more time he spends as a wolf, the easier it is for Lou to do things like talk, and oddly enough, he only seems to frighten about half the people he comes across in his werewolf form. There is a reason for that in some cases, but maybe Lou just isn’t that scary as a werewolf.
And, truth be told, that could easily describe this whole movie as well. It’s more gruesome comedy than anything else. Lou didn’t ask to become a werewolf. Someone made him that way. And he is still basically himself, only bigger, stronger, hairier, and more prone to violence against the deserving. The movie for the most part works if this is your sense of humor. Something like WolfCop has “cult movie” stamped all over it. The practical effects are decent, the werewolf suit works given how low the budget on this thing probably is, and aside from a sex scene that goes on way too long (we get it, an attractive woman is having sex with a guy in a fur suit with claws ha ha ha), I can’t say anything really bad about a movie that wasn’t really aspiring for high art so much as just to be a bit of gory fun. If you dig stuff like Army of Darkness, then something like WolfCop, while not at the same level of fun and quality, will probably work out just fine if you’re in the right mood.
Grade: B–