Halloween (1978)

In the past year or so, I’ve really gotten into the better movies in writer/director/composer John Carpenter’s filmography. But somehow, I’d never seen the original Halloween. That’s mostly likely due to the fact I’ve only recently gotten into horror movies. But my pal Jimmy Impossible has been bugging me to Read more…

6 Underground (2019)

It seems like everyone is releasing movies straight to streaming now and by-passing the traditional theatrical release, or at least just issuing a limited one. But if it was good enough for Martin Scorsese, it should be good enough for Michael Bay. Hold on. That sounds very wrong. Anyway, Netflix Read more…

Honey Boy (2019)

So, I wasn’t sure I wanted to see a movie starring Shia LaBeouf, even if it was getting a lot of critical praise considering LaBeouf wrote the script for this incredibly honest and revealing autobiographical movie, titled Honey Boy after a nickname his father used to use. But, on reflection, Read more…