The Stranger (1946)

Imagine my surprise when, while flipping through Netflix’s catalogue, coming across what looked like a 1940s film noir I wasn’t familiar with. That isn’t Netflix’s usual thing, so I stuck it on my watchlist and went back to looking for more cool movies to watch at my leisure. Then, later, Read more…

Layer Cake (2004)

Director Matthew Vaughn and actor Daniel Craig have both gone on to bigger things since their 2004 collaboration Layer Cake. Vaughn found a niche for himself adapting Mark Millar-written comics into crazy action movies like Kick-Ass and the Kingsmen series. Craig, of course, went on to be James Bond. But, Read more…

Jojo Rabbit (2019)

Taika Waititi must love taking chances. Granted, they’ve paid off for him so far. What We Do in the Shadows and The Hunt for the Wilderpeople were both funny and fresh comedies. His entry to the MCU, Thor: Ragnarok, rightfully propelled him into the big time. And what does he Read more…