Dracula (2020)

British TV producers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss gave the world a revamped Doctor Who and the modern version of Sherlock. Given their pedigree, what could they take on next? How about Bram Stoker’s Transylvanian count? Well, that’s what we got with a modernized mini-series Dracula, now available on Netflix Read more…

Little Women (2019)

I can’t say that I have ever read Louise May Alcott’s Little Women, but I am somewhat familiar with the story because my ex-wife was really into all things Winona Ryder, including the 1994 movie version. I remember it mostly because at the end, after Claire Danes died, Ryder’s Jo Read more…

Bombshell (2019)

Can you make a movie about Fox News and its inner workings without making it particularly political? The new movie Bombshell seems to try as it focuses most of its energy onto various women working there and the toxic workplace they all had to deal with, most notably coming from Read more…

Cats (2019)

Cats. My God. Someone made this. Cats. Well, I did go to see it to see if it merited the nearly universal negative response it got. I mean, 18% on Rotten Tomatoes means somebody liked it. Would I get it? I’m not overly familiar with the play it’s based on Read more…

6 Underground (2019)

It seems like everyone is releasing movies straight to streaming now and by-passing the traditional theatrical release, or at least just issuing a limited one. But if it was good enough for Martin Scorsese, it should be good enough for Michael Bay. Hold on. That sounds very wrong. Anyway, Netflix Read more…