Just Mercy (2019)

I noticed that trailers for both Just Mercy and Dark Waters came out around the same time. That makes sense since both are obviously aimed for awards season as prestige releases. Both are also legal dramas based on true stories of crusading lawyers working to right wrongs through legal actions Read more…

1917 (2019)

Trailers are, by definition, designed to get your butt into a theater to see a movie. They’re commercials. That’s all they are. I know this, but I am hardly immune to a good one, especially if it’s something that is more or less in my wheelhouse anyway. My point is, Read more…

The Thin Man (1934)

Some days, it’s rather cool to have Turner Classic Movies as part of my Hulu subscription because then I can check out older movies like, say, 1934’s The Thin Man. The Thin Man, based off a mystery novel by Dashiell Hammett, gave the world Nick and Nora Charles, an urbane Read more…

Ip Man (2008)

Netflix has some real treats in its vast catalog if you know where to look. Since I’ve been trying to expand my general cinematic knowledge, I opted for a Chinese martial arts film that was also a biographical movie based on a real man. That would be the 2008 Ip Read more…

Out of Africa (1985)

I read this book once, whose name I cannot remember, that was a biography of Denys Finch Hatton, the aristocratic English big game hunter best known for being the lover of Karen Blixen. Blixen, a Danish woman who married a Swedish baron, had some fame as a writer under various Read more…

Lolita (1962)

I’m a big Stanley Kubrick fan, though truth be told, I don’t like every single thing he’s ever done. 2001 baffles me even after multiple viewings, and I figure I should probably revisit Eyes Wide Shut one of these days to see if I can appreciate it for what it Read more…