Marriage Story (2019)

I was reluctant to watch Marriage Story, and were it not for the movie’s Best Picture nomination, I probably wouldn’t have. It wouldn’t have been due to any prejudice or animosity against anyone who made it. I like both Scarlett Johansson when she’s in the right roles, and Adam Driver Read more…

Moon (2009)

Back in 2016, I saw Warcraft in theaters. That would have been about the time I started going to the movies every week. And, well, it wasn’t very good. I remember a lot commentary about how disappointing it was considering the director was Duncan Jones, son of David Bowie, and Read more…

2019 Oscar Talk

The Oscar nominations came out yesterday. And, quite frankly, I don’t much care who wins. The Academy Awards are, like many entertainment awards, little more than the industry patting itself on the back. It’s generally good for winning a trivia contest and that’s about it. But I do write a Read more…